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Anuncis classificats - Polseguera
Browsing and Finding Ads Posting New Ads Ad Maintenance User Registration Other System Features
Using The Quicklinks Feature
Using Quicklinks
The Quicklinks feature of our system allows you to add specific ads you choose to a "personal page" which may be retrieved in the future. It is useful when you are attempting to "compare" several ads posted to the system. To review ads listed on your quicklinks page, click on the Title of the ad. You will then be able to review the ad details.

Adding Quicklinks
While you are browsing ads posted to the system, you are presented with several options on the left side of the ad. To add a specific listing to your quicklinks page, simply click the link under Options that reads "Add To Quicklinks". You will receive a confirmation message that this ad was added to your quicklinks page.

Deleting Quicklinks
Listings which you have added to your quicklinks page may be deleted by placing a checkmark in the check box next to the ad on your quicklinks page. Once you have determined which ads you no longer wish to appear on your quicklinks page, click the "Save Changes" button located at the bottom of your page.

If you do not manually delete a quicklink from your page, it will automatically be deleted once the ad has expired.

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