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Anuncis classificats - Polseguera
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Performing A Keyword Search
To locate ads on the system that contain specific keywords, you may enter the terms you are looking for in the Keyword Search text box located at the bottom of most pages throughout the system.

Keyword Search (Any)
To perform a broad search of all ads posted, enter your search terms and select the option to locate any ad that contains "any of my keywords". This is the simplest of all searches and may return a large number of matches depending upon your keyword entered. Further narrow your search by selecting a specific category.  For best performance and accuracy, omit words such as and, or, it, the, etc.

Keyword Search (All)
To further narrow your search, you should select the option to find "all my keywords" in an ad. This will only return ads which contain every keyword you have entered into the keyword text box area. For example: Entering the keyword Honda would return all ads which contain the keyword Honda. However by entering the keywords Honda Accord, only ads containing the keywords Honda Accord would be returned. For best performance and accuracy, omit words such as and, or, it, the, etc.

Keyword Search (My Exact Phrase)
If you know exactly what you are looking for and want to find a specific phrase matched in an ad, enter the phrase your are looking for and select the option to find My Exact Phrase.  This will return results that contain only the phrase you are looking for.  For example, entering the phrase The Blue Moon would only be found if it is entered into the ad exactly that way. 

Related Topic:
Advanced Search Options

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